domingo, 27 de dezembro de 2009

Otho’s History

Otho was born premature to the 7 months of gestation. He suffered asphyxia perinatal and had to stay in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) breathing with the help of apparel for 6 days. He remained interned during 26 days due to a serious (widespread infection) septicemia.
When he was 2 months, we discovered the painful first sequel: the audition lack and after lots of exams, the certainty of an irreversible sequel.
When he was 4 months, Otho made his first surgery for retreat of hernia bilateral ingnal. Recovered of this, Otho continued with many difficulties to sleep and suck. He also made constant movements as frights and tremors. Therefore, he was directed for a neuropediatrician and after that, the worst news: a serious cerebral lesion.

Since then it began the fight, complications and a tireless search of better life condition. Otho got to do 30 convulsive crises a day, today they are controlled with the medication. Otho had difficulties to swallow from the liquid to the pasty and until his first year of life, was interned 4 times in ICU with breathing infections. After more exams, it was discovered one more sequel left by the lesion: esophageal hypotonia (inability to swallow). With that discovery, the worst truth: Otho no more could feed through the mouth, without reversion chances. It was difficult and too painful for me, but with 1 year and 6 months, beautiful, was submitted to the fundoplication surgery (narrowing of the esophagus) and gastrostomy (artificial opening a hole in stomach to be fed).
Today, he’s 3 years and 11 months, totally dependent: doesn't sustain the head, doesn't sit down or stand up, doesn't feed through the mouth, does many involuntary movements with a lot of force, hindered like this the handling with him. Nevertheless, my son is a model of resilience and happiness. In spite of all their limitations, Otho always has a smile offering.

He understands and interacts well with whom lives together. I am his identity, I live in integral time for him. Otho was never reason of lament or revolt, but of growth, emotional and spiritual ripening. For these 3 years, I deposited all my expectations and hopes in the will of God, because the doctors never fed them through the medicine. Today I feel God opening doors for Otho’s rehabilitation and the stem cell therapy in China is one of them. Therefore, as my son's spokeswoman, I ask with humility in the heart, your solidarity and contribution in this campaign.

Otho and his mother

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